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Individuals who are intent on making illicit drug purchases are likely to refine their search strategies quickly to obtain a purer and longer list of Retail and Portal sites. The present study was undertaken to quantify the degree to which AAS are being proffered for sale over the Internet, how these drugs are being characterized on popular websites, and the accuracy of the information being presented. Research methods were employed to determine what an individual with a moderate understanding of the Internet would be likely to encounter if s/he conducted a search using the most popular search engines. Finally, some people misusing steroids may adhere to intricate multi-drug regimens using a combination of oral, intramuscular and transdermal preparations (NIDA, 2000; Peters et al., 1997). This practice is referred to as “stacking.” Users may take as many as six different AAS with the goal of maximizing androgen receptor (AR) binding and activating multiple steroidal receptor sites (Peters et al., 1997).


  • The athlete thus begins to ponder how far they can extend these limits.
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  • All of this contributes to a nonstop cycle of higher costs for Mississippians.
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  • In a Google™ search, “sponsored links” often appear on the right-hand side of the page in their own column or at the top of the results list.
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  • Anabolic refers to the tissue-building properties of these drugs whereas androgenic refers to their promotion of masculine characteristics, such as facial hair.
  • These websites also need to insert themselves as sponsored links into the most popular search engines to ensure they are accessed during a broader array of AAS-related search terms.
  • Bulking, cutting, strength training, performance, HGH, and PCT steroids are available at this online shop.

Even injections with long chains enter the bloodstream, where the hormone is transported throughout the body. Furthermore, since injectable steroids have varying action curves, each athlete can select an application that best suits their needs. As was discussed previously, we did not include a “no prescription” prefix in our searches because this practice was shown to elicit a smaller number of web hits or mentions. Based on our prior work (Forman, 2006) it is likely that using a “no prescription” prefix might have elicited a greater proportion of Retail or Portal sites.

Your saved search

Summing the Retail and Portal sites together, over one-third (35%) of the sites were classified as “Commercial”, meaning they either offered to sell AAS without a valid prescription or directly linked to other sites offering to do so. The Internet may be contributing to youths’ increasing awareness of the availability of AAS and positive attitudes towards their use. In a 2005 telephone survey, approximately 87% of 1,100 adolescents reported having access to the Internet, representing a 12% increase from 2000 (Lenhart et al., 2005). Approximately 50% of the adolescents with online access reported using the Internet nearly every day and about 50% had high-speed broadband access.

Where can I buy anabolic steroids online?

We have injectable steroids for sale in our online store, with delivery available to anywhere in the USA. You can buy testosterone cypionate online with credit card or other means of payment. Any of our products for sale are top quality and come to you at a competitive price. First-time steroid users should how to buy steroids start with milder options, as this can help minimize potential risks while still providing benefits such as increased muscle mass and improved strength. It is also crucial for first-time users to educate themselves on proper usage and cycling of steroids, in order to ensure a safe and effective experience.


Important info to know when you choose between shops that offer steroids for sale online


When buying steroids through an online store in the US, ensure that the drugs are, firstly, effective and, secondly, supplied by the original manufacturer. It’s pointless to ask informal steroid suppliers for the certificates because they are unlikely to have any. When receiving your steroid supplements, verify the batch number and product codes with the manufacturer directly to ensure your product is original. All supplements offered in our online store are supplied directly from the manufacturers and can be cross-verified by referencing the original packaging barcodes and batch numbers directly via each producer’s official website.